
“My friend had a 9 p.m. bedtime that was thoroughly enforced by her mom’s creepy boyfriend. I stayed over once, not knowing about this. We had to be in bed, lights out by 9 ‘or else!’ He sat outside the bedroom to make sure we didn’t even talk to each other. I wasn’t used to going to bed so early at 16 years old, so after about 45 minutes, I got up to pee. He interrogated me on what I was doing and told me I had three minutes to be back in bed ‘or else!'”

“I never slept over again, but once she came to my house, and this dude drove by at 9:05 p.m. and saw my bedroom light was on. (Yes, he made her point out my bedroom window so he could check.) Then, he called my house and demanded my mom tell him why we weren’t in bed. She lied and told him we were sleeping in the basement and she was cleaning my room. Then, she told him to leave pronto or she’d be calling the police on him for scoping out her kid’s bedroom window.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/mollycapobianco/bizarre-household-rules