
“When you hear them talk about all your other friends behind their back to the point where you become so self-conscious about what you’re doing and saying because they will find something wrong about it and talk about you behind your back.”

“I had a friend group back in middle school, and it was toxic from the start — I just never realized it because it was all I ever knew. It wasn’t until I found some other friends that I realized that I was never really able to be myself around that friend group. That friend group led me to have severe social anxiety to the point that I would rarely go outside when I didn’t have to because of fear of being judged. Near the end of my relationship with them, I always felt targeted. They would pressure me into doing things and get mad when I wouldn’t because ‘it’s not a big deal, like, just do it,’ and I just became sick of it. I eventually cut ties with them, so now I’m all good.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/lizmrichardson/toxic-friendship-signs-red-flags