
SCREAMS NEW MONEY: “On the other hand, new money would say things like, ‘Do you know how much money I spent here last year?’ while yelling at you because something is out of stock. And half the stuff they did buy would end up returned having clearly been worn.”

I always went above and beyond for the old money people, trying to find them what they were looking for, because they were just so nice about it. They’d say things like, ‘It’s okay, really,’ and I’d say, ‘Nope, it says we have one in stock somewhere. I’m going to find it and have it sent to you.’ I’d be determined and on a mission. (On the flip side, I definitely probably could have found what new money wanted somewhere, but I’m not going to spend a vast amount of time on it when you’re yelling at me and being rude.)”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/lizmrichardson/old-money-vs-new-money-rich-people-signs