
“I adore my FIL and step-MIL. They are supportive, welcoming, and fun. They are both really ‘Type A’ and ‘super planners,’ which can sometimes be a little irritating, but we have a huge family, and their organization makes for seamless and enjoyable family gatherings. I love my MIL, but she is not the most pleasant to be around. She is very passive aggressive, and is one of those people who just always seems to be want to be miserable. When we get together, she spends most of the time complaining about how her sons never want to see her. She also recruits them to do things for her (which they would happily do) by implying that they owe her because she gave birth to them. It’s just exhausting.”

“Everyone would probably make more of an effort to spend time with her if every visit wasn’t a passive aggressive guilt trip. She is better one-on-one, so I try to find ways to hang out with her alone because we get along well. I just wish she would let everyone relax and enjoy the time together.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahdobro/what-people-dislike-most-about-in-laws