20 Dark Comics From ‘I’m Sorry Jon’ To Corrupt And Ruin Your View Of ‘Garfield’ Forever

Reddit has some delightfully wholesome places, but the subreddit /r/imsorryjon is not one of them. Despite this, it does feature some very impressive fan art, almost all of which involves childhood cartoon characters mutating into gigantic beasts and devouring one another. Typically, this adds a dark layer to the never-ending story of Garfield and his owner Jon, but this subreddit goes far beyond the recreations the original comics are known for. Here are 20 of the best Creepy Garfield comics and images from /r/imsorryjon this year.

Source: https://knowyourmeme.com/editorials/collections/20-dark-comics-from-im-sorry-jon-to-corrupt-and-ruin-your-view-of-garfield-forever