
“I went to a small Christian high school that also had a middle and elementary school on the grounds. The principal of the high school had a child that was in my grade. One day, he came over the intercom and announced that he was stepping down from his position. He then went on to talk about how he and the female gym coach had been having an ’emotional affair’ for the last few months. This announcement went through every speaker in all three schools. I remember everyone in my class looking over at his daughter, who had a look of complete surprise on her face. From what I gathered, this was the first time she was hearing about all of this.”

“Shortly after, the gym teacher also left her position, but the most interesting part? The gym teacher had no idea this was going on. She was just doing her job and thought she was friends with everyone. The principal read more into their relationship and decided to go to the church with it and they made this decision. The gym teacher left her job out of shame and had to spend a lot of time explaining to her husband what exactly was going on. … [He] took a little time to realize that no actual affair went on. After that, the rumors and gossip in the area got to be too much, and he ended up getting a different job pretty far away, so he moved them both to start fresh.

The principal and his wife got a divorce within a day or so of the announcement. The wife got custody of all three kids, plus, I think, eventually, their house and a fair amount of money. The former principal took a job selling either cars or furniture; I can’t remember which, and pretty much faded from the radar. I don’t think his eldest daughter had anything to do with him after all of that. I wanna say that she intentionally made sure he stayed away from her wedding.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahmarder/wild-teacher-affair-stories