
“I worked in the call center for the university I attended. The job was to call alumni and get them to donate money to the school. Most people simply did not answer the call because they had caller ID or didn’t recognize the number. So, most time was spent staring at a computer listening to a phone ringing with nobody answering it. If somebody did answer the phone, there was a script we had to go by to try and get them to donate. We were required to ask at least four times and lower the amount each time before we could hang up. For example, we started out by asking for $200 and worked our way down to $50.”

“We couldn’t take no for an answer, no matter what the response was, until we asked for money four times. If somebody said, ‘Sorry, I can’t afford to donate because my husband has cancer,’ we would be required to use the script and say, ‘I’m so sorry to hear you are dealing with medical bills, but did you know the school is building a new football stadium? Can I get you to donate $50?’

Needless to say, between the boredom of nobody answering and the terrible and awkward feeling of asking for somebody else’s money over and over, I quit after my first two hours there. I just got up, told the supervisor it wasn’t for me, and left.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/mollycapobianco/people-share-quitting-their-job-after-getting-hired-reddit