
“I’m a driving instructor, and once I was waiting in the car for one student to meet with me for his lesson. In most cases, a parent would drive up with the student and meet me, and we’d talk a bit before the drive. After being 15 minutes late, a teenage boy came running around the corner and asked me if I was the teacher. He told me that his maid dropped him off a few blocks back and that he’d been trying to find me. During the lesson, I came to find out that he had never tried driving before and had no idea what to do.”

“I asked him if he’d ever paid attention when his parents were driving, and he said that his parents never drove him anywhere as they were always busy. After the lesson, I called his parents to come get him, and his mom answered the phone and handed it to the dad who said they were at a golf course, and that he’d paid my company good money to ‘just do my job.’ I felt so bad for the kid that I drove him home. The maid was there and he ran up to her and hugged her like she was his mom. He was a nice kid, and I told the maid that she’d done a good job raising him, as it seemed like the parents were just too busy.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/sydrobinson1/entitled-students-rich-parents