
“When they start ‘poisoning the well.’ If you try to converse with them, they immediately bring up past mistakes. I’m not talking about arguments where you have a pattern of behavior they may not like; I’m talking about when you want to go get drinks with friends, and they immediately point out everything they deem ‘wrong’ with you and the things you do.”

“They make you doubt yourself and degrade you in order to gain more control over you. Even if they end up telling you to go out with friends or whatever you wanted to do, they know they already got in your head, and you won’t enjoy your time.”


“YES. Well said. You can say something as simple as, ‘I’m not a big fan of cilantro,’ and they respond with, ‘I’m not a fan of you not finishing college.’ And if you point out what a terrible response that is, YOU are being dramatic. It’s not only degrading; it’s maddening. And you’re never heard (not that they care).”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/morgansloss1/signs-partners-can-become-abusive