For the purpose of honoring Oreos and scientific discovery, I gathered all the Oreo flavors I could get my greedy little hands on and tried them in order to determine which is the best one.


— I assembled about 10 test subjects comprised of my mom and friends to help me out (thanks guys!) because this task was too much for my taste buds alone. We rated the following criteria: cookie, filling, performance in milk, and resemblance to the flavor’s namesake.

— In order to focus on the flavors without any distractions, I didn’t include Double Stuf Oreos or Oreo Thins. Those are not flavors! They are levels of thickness and would have compromised the integrity of the experiment.

— These are only the flavors that I, a person who lives in the US, am currently able to purchase through Walmart and Amazon. There are many, many more flavors of Oreo available internationally.
