
“I worked at a brick-and-mortar video rental chain, and, strangely enough, CBD products outlet before the pandemic hit the US. When it did, the governor put out an ordinance mandating the closure of all non-essential businesses. Corporate tried to stay open by insisting they were essential, on account of providing entertainment to people languishing at home, and also CBD for anti-stress. That didn’t fly because it wasn’t for legit medical purposes. Here’s the thing: I read state laws on the books for that ordinance. It was directly enforceable by state and local law enforcement authorities. Which meant corporate was basically flying us in the storm like kites. Needless to say, everyone quit at once, on the same day, including me.”

“I got unemployment off it despite quitting voluntarily, thanks to corporate ‘creating unsuitable conditions for my remaining employed.'”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/mayaogolini/mass-job-quitting