“She’s supposed to be an example of ‘rich, pretty girls have problems, too!’ but I disliked her more every time they tried to make her relatable. She could’ve actually done well in life, but she did nothing with all her money or her status as the ‘it’ girl. She could’ve gotten involved in a nonprofit (she probably would’ve been phenomenal with fundraising), but she had no idea how to do anything that wasn’t handed to her and was unwilling to learn. I could even see her killing it as an influencer or a personal stylist, but she stayed in her toxic ‘woe is me’ rut because she needed to be the center at all times.”


“She always jumped to the wrong conclusions, never learned from past mistakes, and acted like a spoiled princess whenever she wanted something. She didn’t let people say no to her requests; they had to say yes to her every demand. I’m rewatching Gossip Girl at the moment, and I’m honestly finding it hard to like her now that I’m 10 years older.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahdobro/beloved-tv-characters-people-hate