
“I’d worked with the same manager for eight years. She was extremely organized, capable, and always on top of things. But, things got rough during COVID with short staffing, product shortages, safety protocols, corporate micromanaging, etc. It was very stressful and life-consuming while I was at work. The thing that broke me was when she called me in tears on my day off when I was having a lovely day out with my family, and asked me to come in because there was no one else.”

“I realized that if the situation had finally gotten to the strongest member of our staff, it was no longer reasonable to do it all. She quit shortly after. I stayed on, but I only do what I think I reasonably can, and try to not worry about the extras. I need to keep sane and healthy by taking care of myself too.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/shelbyheinrich/quiet-quitting-stories