
“I went to a Mother’s Day dinner full of women who told me I was doing a great job as a first-time mom. I realized there that everyone else saw my worth except for my spouse. When I got home, I felt miserable as I approached our room where he was playing video games (the source of my neglect for years). I set the sleeping baby down so I could get ready for bed — I accidentally made a noise, and she woke up crying. He got upset that I woke her because it disturbed his gaming. He was drunk, called me stupid, and waved his hand in my face and flicked my nose. I got upset and did it back. He got mad.”

“I stared at him and couldn’t feel anything for him except resentment. I looked down at our baby and around our room, and really questioned my life. When I came to my senses, I decided I deserved more. The words: ‘I want a divorce’ slipped out, he made a scene, packed his bags, and we’ve been separated ever since.

I’m much happier now, my baby is healthy, and we’re coparenting. He’s STILL confused as to why I want the divorce, but of course…the ones who had it great in the relationship don’t ever understand why.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/kaylayandoli/reasons-women-left-toxic-relationships