16 Of The Most Practical And Essential Car Accessories Under $100

In most places in America, people spend a truly ridiculous amount of time in their car. Between commuting to and from work daily, traveling to visit family, shuffling children to a variety of playdates and doctor’s appointments, and accomplishing seemingly endless errands, the average American logs many miles on their odometer.

While plenty of people spend money outfitting their home with decor, gadgets, and accessories, far fewer put that amount of time and resources into their vehicle — which is pretty crazy when you think about how much of your life you spend in your car! But as it turns out, decking out your ride with all of the most practical essentials doesn’t have to break the bank.

There are plenty of car accessories, gadgets, and other purchases you can get for under $100 to make your vehicle a safer and more comfortable place. Check out our list of 16 of the most handy and helpful car-related purchases below.

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/car-accessories-gadgets/