15 People Who Married For Money Share Their Stories


“First, I had a college romance and married for love. We were married for eight years, and he never had one single job (he also had a kid from a previous relationship), so yay! I got to take care of a whole family at 19. He cheated the whole time. Lied. Left me with his kid for long periods of time while he was doing goodness knows what. I was in the military (to pay for said family), so I couldn’t just come and go as he did. My second marriage was when I was close to my 30s, and I was financially stable and doing well. I didn’t want that to happen again, so I made sure the person I married was at least financially on my level. His family is loaded. We had a prenup so that I’d be protected in case of divorce. Turns out, he’s HORRIBLE with money.”

“He is an alcoholic and has a gambling addiction. He makes a lot, but he spends it as fast as it comes in. He kept all of that a secret until he hit rock bottom. I had no idea what kind of debt we were in; I signed my own death warrant, though. Before I knew what was happening, we had kids. I wanted to stay home and raise them. On paper, it would work easily. We had three babies at home when I found out what was happening. Now my kids are teens, and I can’t get a job that would fully support me and my kids because I don’t have a car or clothes, have health problems, and have a 16-year job gap. So I’m stuck. You’d say, ‘Leave him! Take half of everything!’ Two things: There isn’t anything to halve, and we have a prenup saying I can’t touch his money and he can’t touch mine. Right this very minute, he’s blackout drunk in our backyard — like he is every single night.”

—46, Missouri

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/lizmrichardson/people-married-for-money-stories