15 Of The Weirdest Houses That Exist In The United States Of America

Sometimes my husband will turn to me and ask a question like, “Hey, what if I painted our living room electric purple and blue?” I usually like to just act like I didn’t hear him, but then I run the risk of the largely one-sided conversation progressing to the point that I come home one day to discover that I am now the proud owner of an electric purple and blue living room.

Even though I don’t want to live in a totally weird house, I love looking at totally weird houses. One of my favorite Instagram accounts is Weird Homes Tour, which is exactly what it sounds like. The Austin, Texas-based startup graciously posts tours of weird homes around the country, all for our visual feasting pleasure.

Weird Homes Tour also physically tours the country in pursuit of strange and unusual homes. They regularly make stops in San Francisco, Austin, Detroit, Houston, New Orleans, and Portland, Oregon.

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/weirdest-houses/