
“During a previous on-again, off-again relationship in high school, I connected and slept with a person I eventually began dating. She and I separated last May. She (and everybody else) could see this coming. Realistically, my decision to sleep with her during my previous relationship was ignorant and selfish and cowardly — that relationship should’ve ended days prior. I just never had the balls to agree with my first ex that it was over. At least not before sleeping with my new ex.”

“It led to emotional love bombing between us both — we just connected for the wrong reasons. We both had just separated from people and got together. We had a great relationship in a lot of ways for about six months, but it broke down during that time. In the following two years, we grew apart and actually never had any sort of sexual intimacy for that time period. I went to inpatient therapy earlier on in our relationship because I struggled with depression, and she eventually expressed that my emotional deterioration triggered her own trauma and made it difficult to be attracted to me.

“I loved her and wanted to build a future with her and was always willing to put aside our differences. But it’s all good — things change, and you have to accept some things aren’t for you and won’t work out. 

“It’s been over since May, but she was in a relationship by July. We dated for two and a half years. Those years demonstrated what I need to avoid moving forward. Don’t sacrifice myself and my own self-love to earn the love of another. I’m never allowing myself to be walked on like that again because I’ve never felt lower in my life than during the last year (give or take two or three months). I’m working to heal that damage now.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/kaylayandoli/men-cheating-with-people-and-dating-them