
Get in the habit of saving money when you can.

Like many others, I grew up without any knowledge of personal finance. In my mid-20s, I stumbled on some money-related content on YouTube and Reddit, and my mind was blown. I learned all about building an emergency fund, saving for retirement, and all the other stuff they should have taught us in school.

These are tough times, and not everyone has money leftover to save at the end of the month. But even if you start off super small, it really does add up over the years, especially if you can increase your savings with pay raises.

I’ll be honest: They say you’re supposed to have one year’s salary in retirement funds once you hit 30, and I don’t have anywhere close to that! I so wish I would’ve started earlier, but all I can do now is keep it up.

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/morgansloss1/life-lessons-from-30-year-old