
“Letting them know if something’s out of place, or if they have a boogie or crumb on their face, little stuff like that. A lot of women won’t tell you because they think it’s rude (or they want you to stay that way to make themselves look better). It’s not what you say; it’s how you say it.”


“When I was in college, a classmate was wearing an outfit (a matching top and bottom set), and it still had the tag on it. Since I could see it, I walked up to her sitting in her chair, whispered what I noticed, and she was very thankful. I don’t remember if she tore it off or tucked it in, but either way, I knew the tag itself was not something she intended to sport that day.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/consheabrown1/girl-code-rules-to-live-by