15 Activities For Outdoorsy Kids For When They Just Cannot Be Contained Indoors Any Longer

I was decidedly an “inside kid,” meaning that if given the choice, I could and would happily sit inside my room, reading books or writing in my journal, listening to music or playing on my computer … you get the idea. I liked to be inside. But my child, on the other hand, is definitely one of those outdoorsy kids, which means I’ve had to open my mind and learn a lot.

Finding activities for outdoorsy kids is tricky when it’s not your native tongue. I mean, what kind of kid wants to be outside all the time? It turns out … mine! And a ton of other kids like him.

One thing that helped me was realizing that activities for outdoorsy kids don’t have to be complicated or intimidating. Just because he likes to be outside doesn’t mean I had to suddenly become an incredible hiker or get comfortable with camping without major amenities like toilets. I have since done both of those things, but I started out slow.

Here are 15 activities for outdoorsy kids for all the parents of wild ones who will never, ever slow down.

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/activities-for-outdoorsy-kids/