This light-hearted teen comedy was a staple of American TV in the ’90s. The show was about a group of smart and charismatic high-schoolers led by sly and smooth-talking Zack Morris. Each episode focused on some shenanigans of Morris, and how the group deals with them. 

Although the show had a bright and mellow aura, there were many episodes where Zack’s behavior crossed the line and wasn’t only borderline criminal but also sick. That included scamming other students, endangering the lives of his classmates, breaking in and snooping on girls, and on one occasion, pimping out one of his female friends for $1 per kiss and then selling her undergarments to male students of the school. The show usually depicted such atrocious acts as fun, harmless, and traits of a cool teenager. There’s a whole series of videos on YouTube titled Zack Morris Is Trash that calls out such behavior. 
