13 Times Parents Were Completely Freaked Out By Ghost Encounters Their Young Kids Experienced


Ghosts are meant to be a little scary — that’s why they’re such a popular character for Halloween. While everything must eventually die, it’s often a little eerie to think that our late loved ones may start haunting us. However, enough people have experienced a story they attribute to ghosts that it’s important to take them somewhat seriously. Whether it’s a house that’s “haunted” or just an odd experience or feeling someone gets, stories involving ghosts may give you a bit of a fright.

However, for some, talking about ghosts is more of a spiritual exercise that gives them peace. Regardless of what you believe, it’s hard not to feel comforted by the fact that your loved ones are still around in some form.

Not every kid will come in contact with a ghost. And sure, some of the stories may be fueled by childhood imagination. But when people’s children talk about seeing a ghost? It’s hard not to avoid. Especially when they have tons of details to support what they saw.

Here are 13 of the best ghost encounter stories parents have shared online. It might be the exact thing you need to get into the Halloween spirit. Or they may lead you to question everything.

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/kids-ghost-encounters/