
“I think that something that rich people become fixated on is being admired. You’ve got food, shelter. You’ve got resources for you and your children. You’ve got vacations and toys and options. But what do people think about when they hear your name?”

“That’s what made Bill Gates launch the Gates Foundation. That’s why they donate huge sums and get their names on buildings. That’s why Andrew Carnegie built the public buildings he did later in his life. That’s why they join nonprofit boards and host fundraisers. That’s why Alfred Nobel started the Nobel Peace Prize (it worked!!! His name is far more associated with peace than with his most popular invention: dynamite). Rich people want to be admired. Or maybe all people want to be admired, but rich people can afford to focus on it, because they have food and homes and time. The way that some poor schmuck fantasizes about hitting the Powerball, some rich schmuck fantasizes about being remembered as something better than a schmuck.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/andyneuenschwander/what-rich-people-fantasize-about-having