Are you the kind of person who whips out their phone after they’ve had a few drinks and starts texting friends, family members, and maybe even some of your exes?

That’s never a good idea!

You need to put that thing away until the next morning…or else you’re gonna end up texting some really stupid things like these folks did.

Let these posts scare you straight!

This is really beautiful…

That…didn’t go very well.

a facepalm-worthy drunk text of mine (down horribly) from facepalm

This is embarrassing.

Sent out a drunk text to my project peer last night and just found out Whatsapp won’t let you delete messages older than an hour from sadcringe

Good luck to you…

Still driving…

This guy, I tell ya…

They had quite a night!

I’m sure he appreciated this.

She knew you were wasted.

Things are about to get weird.

Kind of a smart idea…

Never a good idea.

I’m sure they appreciated that.

twistedsifter on facebook 13 People Who Had Too Much Drink and Should Have Put Their Phones Down
