12 Great Online Classes Kids Can Take From Anywhere This (Strange) New School Year

Right now, parents are making some tough choices about how to educate their children. As we gear up to send kids back to school this fall, a lot of kids aren’t actually going back anywhere. It’s a totally unprecedented and challenging time, no matter what we decide to do. Some kids are heading back to the classroom with precautions in place. Others are strictly doing virtual school. Other parents are choosing some combination or the two or even starting their own home school pods in order to keep their kids safe.

There’s truly no right or wrong choice when it comes to what we all decide to do with our own kids. Everyone has different life circumstances which, in many cases, will require families to make different decisions.

For those who are opting to keep kids home, it’s a bit overwhelming. But if there is any good news to be dealt, it’s that we live in modern times when online classes are not hard to find. That’s one thing that should put a smile on parents’ faces. Because when it comes to homeschooling, not every parent is cut out to be a teacher.

Here are 13 online classes kids can take from anywhere:

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/online-classes-kids-take-from-home/