10 Items I Didn’t Know Kids Needed For Back To School Until After The First Week

It’s back to school supplies season!

Kids who are back in-person are navigating a new set of rules and regulations. It’s all for the greater good of keeping others safe, but it requires more than most parents anticipated.

Generally, parents come to the new school year prepared with the basics: tissues, crayons, notebooks, pencils. This year, hand sanitizer and masks were added to lists as well.

Schools are figuring this out at the same rate as the rest of us. As that happens, more supplies are bound to be needed. It’s been just a week since schools have been back in session in my part of the world, and already several purchases have been made.

Don’t panic, just be flexible and thoughtful. If you really think through the motions of a day, you might realize what other things can make it go smoothly. We’ve got you started with some items parents have discovered they’ve needed since the year began.

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/back-to-school-new-supplies/