
“I literally had someone I used to work with, back in college, ask if I would go out with him. I wasn’t interested in him romantically, so I said no. Then he said, and I quote, ‘I’ll make you change your mind. You’ll say yes. Also, I wouldn’t trust any food I give you in the future.’ (This was especially weird as he’d never offered me anything up to that point, but I digress). The outright suggestion that he’d drug me and/or coerce me was enough to get me the hell away from him.”

“Another time, I asked a friend to drive me to the dentist for an emergency since I had no car. Afterward, he asked if I’d be his girlfriend, and I said no. He then asked me to be his ‘Facebook status’ girlfriend, and I said no again. THEN, he drove me down a quiet backroad, parked, and said he could ‘rape me and no one would know.’ I thank God every day that I got out of that situation without any harm.

People who can’t take no for an answer are immediately out of my life. No questions asked.” —u/Momoreau

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/victoriavouloumanos/women-are-revealing-opinions-that-immediately-make-them