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Home » Woman’s Obituary Goes Viral for Being Wonderful and Witchy

Woman’s Obituary Goes Viral for Being Wonderful and Witchy

You might not have known Holly Blair, but once you read her obituary, you will wish that you were best friends before she died. Her brief obituary has gone completely viral because it is hilarious, witchy, and somehow optimistic.

Holly’s obituary reached viral status and then people who didn’t even know Holly in real life flocked to her memorial page to leave nice messages in memory of someone who truly seemed like a one-of-a-kind person. You know you’ve made a mark on the world when people you don’t even know are celebrating you after your death. Take a look at her obituary below.

Source: Reddit

It reads, “Holly Blair exploded into glitter and bats on Aug. 17, 2020. She is survived by four spoiled cats, two stinky dogs, three bad birds, a turtle, and an utterly useless frog named Fred, as well as three children and a husband of little to no importance. Her remains will be interred under a tree with the ridiculous multitude of animals she rescued, both wild and domestic.

“Her future plans include drinking beer with Terry Pratchett and flying across the moon on her broomstick on Halloween. She has also promised to communicate with us from the beyond via the cockatiel psyche. We ask that everyone carve extra jack-o’-lanterns on Halloween this year in her honor. All hail the wicked witch of Juniper Road!”

I don’t know about you, but I’ve never wanted to be friends with a wicked witch more. Holly sounds like she led an incredible life during which she rescued scores of animals and celebrated Halloween all year round. A hero. 

Lots of other people found Holly’s obituary charming and went to her memorial page to share how much they loved it, even though many have never met her before.

Source: Wood River Chapel

“I’m sorry I didn’t know you, but your obituary inspires me to LIVE so I too can explode into bats and glitter when it’s my time,” one person wrote. “Much love and comfort to all who loved you.”  

Comments have been coming in from all over the world! “Dear Holly,” one person wrote. “We unfortunately never met and even worse we never will. I am one of the many that found your obituary in the wilderness of the internet and got drawn in by the magic.

“From one witch to another I send you my blessing from the Czech Republic and my deepest condolences to the ever so unimportant husband and the various fauna that I am sure cannot imagine how to walk the plane of existence without your presence.”

So many promised to carve a jack-o’-lantern in her honor this Halloween. It’s safe to say that although Holly has died, she remains alive in spirit and in the energy she infused the world with.

Source: Wood River Chapel

Holly Blair certainly seemed like she lived the life she wanted, and it’s something we should all strive for so we too can eventually explode into glitter and bats or whatever we want. 

It’s not often that you read the obituary section to feel uplifted, but today has been our very lucky day. Much love to Holly’s family!

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