U/chickenfightyourmom advised not allowing guilt to factor into the woman’s decision about what to do with the inheritance: “The primary point here is: That money is not your mother’s to have. Your aunt gave it to YOU. If your aunt wanted your mother to have an inheritance, she would have given her one.”

“Do not let your mother guilt you over this. Accept the gift from your aunt, and invest it in you for your future. Get professional advice and be conservative because it won’t go as far as you think. Yeah, you can clear your debt and invest in a modest home for yourself, but any leftovers need to be saved and invested for your future security. Don’t fritter it away buying gifts or trips for family because you feel guilty. Make sure you put it in accounts where you are the sole owner, and don’t give anyone an ‘allowance,’ either.”

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/michaelabramwell/aita-refusing-giving-mother-inheritance-money