Woman Thanks ‘Guardian Angel’ Who Rescued Her From Creepy Man Stalking Her On The Subway

Every single day, more than 5 million New Yorkers ride the subway. Whether they’re commuting to work, going to school, or running errands, New York City residents know that the subway is the most efficient way to get around.

Because there are so many people on the subway, though, it’s not unusual to run into some unsavory characters. Usually, these individuals are annoying but totally harmless. Once in a while, though, subway riders will find themselves in the company of someone scary.

That’s what happened to one woman, who goes by strawberry_luv on Reddit. She was waiting for the 1 train when a man approached her. He started catcalling her, but she tried to ignore him.

He stood behind her for the whole six minutes that she waited for the train. When the train finally arrived, she got on and sat down. The man followed her onto the train and stood right over her.

The woman felt extremely uncomfortable, but she didn’t know what to do. That’s when a stranger stepped in to help.

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/guardian-angel-subway-stalker/