Our dilemma today comes from a 21-year-old woman who has a prosthetic leg, and the story of why she has one is heartbreaking:

“I was in a very bad car accident about three years ago. A drunk driver ran a stoplight, cut off a semi-truck, which then crashed into me, sending me crashing into two different cars and then ultimately into an embankment. My car was mangled and my leg was crushed — completely destroyed — and it had to be amputated. I also lost a couple of fingers (the tip of one and all of another). I’m also left with some gnarly scars that used to bother me but I’m learning to deal with them. I got a couple of different insurance payouts and some pain and suffering money in addition to my medical bills being paid, and with my money, I purchased a custom-made leg to take the place of the one I lost. When I have pants and shoes on, you can hardly tell unless you’re really looking. I still limp, but some days I don’t have as pronounced a limp,” she said in the thread.

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/kristatorres/reddit-aita-taking-off-prosthetic-leg-handicap