“After dinner, the person responsible for the week pays, and then I assume they all head back to the house the babysitter is at to pick up the kids (I just go home). This week, it was my turn to pay, the first time since they hired the babysitter. I paid for dinner as normal, and hugged everyone goodbye. When I got home, I had a flurry of texts from the group, saying that I owed $100. I asked what they were talking about because I had paid for dinner,” BP explained.

“They said because it was my week to pay, I was also expected to pay for the babysitter ‘because all of us get the pleasure of being out without kids.’ I said, I don’t have kids. Why would I pay for your babysitter? They said, you get the pleasure of hanging out with us and it’s the only way we can do it kid-free.”

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/alexalisitza/aita-child-free-friend-refuses-babysitter-fees