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Home » Will Jackie Cox Be in the Finale of ‘RPDR’? ‘Drag Race’ Fans Hope So

Will Jackie Cox Be in the Finale of ‘RPDR’? ‘Drag Race’ Fans Hope So

Signs point to no. It seemed pretty clear from the voiceover at the end of the “Viva Drag Vegas” maxi-challenge that only three queens would feature in the finale: Gigi Goode, Crystal Methyd, and Jaida Essence Hall. 

Sherry Pie had also placed in the finals at the time the episode was taped and the voiceover was recorded after her elimination. And neither that voiceover nor the reunion episode made any noise about restoring Jackie in her place.

Nevertheless, fans overwhelmingly support Jackie getting a shot to compete in the last episode. Also, with the finale recording under unique circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems like it would be fairly easy to reinstate Jackie from a logistical standpoint. Since the queens will most likely be self-taping from their respective cities rather than convening in once place, it seems easy to coordinate. But even if she doesn’t get to compete, there’s one other way we could get more Jackie time…

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