Source: Blizzard Entertainment

Jon Bitner - Author

As the follow-up to one of the best team-based shooters on the planet, fans had high hopes for Overwatch 2. And while the game largely met the community’s expectations, it wasn’t immune from launch day woes and jam-packed servers. Fast forward to today, and many of those complaints have been fixed – although some players occasionally can’t invite friends to Overwatch 2.

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If you’ve been running into the frustrating bug, there are a few things you can do to fix the error. Here’s a closer look at why you can’t invite friends to Overwatch 2, along with every known fix for the issue.

Overwatch 2 Players in Combat

Source: Blizzard Entertainment

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Why can’t I invite friends to ‘Overwatch 2’?

Overwatch 2 is a tactical game best played with a few close friends – and that’s why this recurring error is so frustrating. Unfortunately, there are tons of reasons why this issue might be cropping up. This includes:

  • Running an old version of the game: If either you or your friends are running an old version of the game, it’s possible you’ll encounter this error. Ensure your game is up to date, then try again. This is typically accompanied by a message that says “Friend on a Different Version.”
  • Issue with the latest update: Back in October 2022, an update to Overwatch 2 effectively broke its party system. Unfortunately, that meant players simply had to wait for a hotfix from Blizzard. Keep your eyes glued to the official Overwatch Twitter account for timely updates to see if the bug has surfaced again.

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  • Connection problems: Whether it’s from overloaded servers or a spotty local connection, it’s very possible that your request wasn’t properly handled. After ensuring that your internet connection is solid, try inviting your friend again. This is typically accompanied by a message that reads “Can’t Invite Friend.”
Overwatch 2 Players Healing

Source: Blizzard Entertainment

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How to fix the “Can’t Invite Friend” error in Overwatch 2

Although there’s not a one-size-fits-all fix for the “Can’t Invite Friend” error, there are multiple steps you can take to resolve the issue. The first thing you should do is ensure your software is up to date. Once that’s done, try restarting your console or PC. This seems to work in most cases – so cross your fingers and press the power button.

If that doesn’t work, double-check your crossplay settings. If this is disabled, you won’t be able to invite friends on other platforms (and it could very well result in the above error).

The last fix requires you to use the “/invite” command in chat. By entering your friend’s ID with the “/invite” command, there’s a small possibility it’ll bypass the error entirely.

Still having trouble inviting friends to Overwatch 2? Remember to check the official Twitter account for updates on the game’s status.

Overwatch 2 is now available to play on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
