
“I had been searching for a new job for the last couple of years because I knew that if I had children where I was, I would have been stuck in that job — needing to go back to work after maternity leave in order to afford childcare. (We were far away from family support.) My industry is very small, and you are essentially waiting for restructures or retirements. After two years of sporadic interviews with no success in finding either a better job or a job closer to family, we decided to start trying [to have a baby] to avoid putting it off for something that might never work out.”

“We tried for seven months and nothing was happening, but I then found and was successful in getting the job I have now. We had to stop trying as I don’t have full maternity benefits yet (and are in the process of relocating closer to my family). We’ll be starting again after I’ve been here a year, which will be in October, but the downside is that after years of really not enjoying my job, I now find it really exciting, and they have made it clear that they will support me to develop. I want children now, and I’m reluctant to wait longer than the end of this year to try again, but I’m scared of setting my career progression back and not being able to recover.”

—Anonymous, 31

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/fabianabuontempo/reasons-millennials-are-delaying-marriage