
A ton of people noted that being anti-abortion and conservative go hand-in-hand, so dating someone conservative can be particularly dicey.

“There are some political opinions that can turn very ugly very quickly, if something goes wrong while casually dating. Abortion rights aren’t something that’s particularly safe to disagree about in a sexual relationship, even a casual dating one.”


“I dated a guy, and I got pregnant, like, reeeeeally early into the relationship. He was so cool, I just assumed he shared my political views. I had an abortion and didn’t think much of it other than feeling like a dumbass for not using a condom that one time. I found out 2.5 years later when we broke up that he never loved me because he couldn’t respect a woman who so easily chose an abortion. Turned out, he cheated on me with a girl who shared his traditional values and got her pregnant months after we broke up.”


“If a man doesn’t believe in my right to control my own body when it comes to abortion, that tells me a lot about what he thinks about my rights to my body in other situations. Throw in a surprise whoopsie, and he could make your life a living hell in a multitude of ways.

When I was casually dating, a lot of men would present themselves as ‘moderates,’ but it would come out over the course of chatting that they were really conservatives who had one gay friend, and they were always offended when I ended things over their political views. They couldn’t understand why something so ‘minor’ as my rights to my body would matter to me.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahmarder/why-liberal-americans-dont-date-conservatives