Who Is Anayancy Nolasco From ‘Texicanas’? The Mexican Beauty Is Chasing Fame

“I’ve always been interested in business,” Anayancy writes on her site. “I want to develop different businesses that reflect my passion for fashion, fitness, and would love to help other women achieve their goals along the way. My first fundraiser was very successful and I want to continue to give back and empower others.”

The Mexican beauty is also a fitness junkie. She frequently posts videos of her workouts to social media and even competed in the 2014 CrossFit Games. “Fitness has really taken center stage for me, it’s created balance and gives me the energy to work, be a mom, and of course carve out some time for just me,” she shares. 

Source : https://www.distractify.com/p/anayancy-nolasco-texicanas