What did I do Wrong?

What did I do Wrong?
GingerPale is a good wholesome boy, what could he possibly do wrong?

This video was originally inspired by a bunch of weird laws that i kept finding that had interesting backstories- i found some information on it being illegal to set a fire to a peg-legged man which was pretty odd. I kept writing a bunch of the ones i found interesting down and BOOM now you have this weird song/rap/poem.

Fun Links And Stuff:

Discord: https://discord.gg/vas3rVJ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheGingerPale
Twitch: https://twitch.com/Ginger_Pale

Some homies:

Nevercake (Helped with Writing, Storyboarding and gave me a few kisses along the way):

Bepis (Helped with Voicing and Writing):