Shelby’s thoughts on the shop: Since this was my first-ever tattoo, I was preeeettty nervous. At one point, I heard the shop’s printer going, thought it was a tattoo gun, and freaked out a little! But the whole vibe of Ephemeral’s space really put me at ease. l also really appreciated how kind and attentive everyone was from start to finish. It totally took the edge off and helped me feel excited about my tattoo instead of worried about the pain (lol).

Ehis’ thoughts on the shop: This is definitely not my first tattoo shop — and 100% won’t be my last — but it has been one of my fave experiences! The space was large and cozy and had tons of candy, which satiated my sweet tooth and ensured that Shelby’s blood sugar didn’t drop too low since she was nervous. I honestly would love to hang there even if I wasn’t getting a tattoo, haha.
