
“Sororities bring out the worst in us. They build their image on empowering young college women, and sometimes they do, but it is a toxic competitive culture of forced femininity. If you don’t look or dress the way they want you to, you will be disciplined. The worst things I have ever heard young women say about other young women was during recruitment. During an evaluation, the nicest sister will rip apart a potential new member for having undyed roots or because she just doesn’t like her face.”

“We are also encouraged to compete against other sororities for reputation, fraternity attention, grades, campus participation, etc. I have been to charity competitions that were basically “Mean Girls” after Regina shared the Burn Book. 

Things are even worse within individual chapters. I found myself plotting to take down a rival for a leadership position and I had to stop and ask myself what the hell I was doing. And the national sorority organization, the Greek system, and the university actively encouraged this dynamic.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/fabianabuontempo/people-sharing-the-truth-about-greek-life