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Home » Trump’s Ridiculous $99 NFTs Were Apparently Successful Enough That He’s Launched A New, Equally Ridiculous NFT Series

Trump’s Ridiculous $99 NFTs Were Apparently Successful Enough That He’s Launched A New, Equally Ridiculous NFT Series

Back in December, Donald Trump embarrassed himself — neither for the first nor last time — when he made a major announcement that he was going to be making a major announcement. When the news finally dropped, it was about as anticlimactic as most people imagined: Trump announced a series of $99 NFTs that featured the former president Photoshopped into an array of ridiculous images he seemed to have stumble upon online. Now he’s back to fleece his followers once again with a whole new series of equally bad digital art:

While most sequels don’t quite live up to the original, the recently arrested president seems to have gone all out in order to imagine himself in a whole new set of poses that have absolutely nothing to do with who Trump is or what he has done. Unless we somehow missed the time he rocked out on stage with an electric guitar wearing all leather. Or when he threw on a pair of American flag chaps and loaded that same guitar onto his motorcycle, Easy Rider-style. Though Trump standing at a grill with a plate full of freshly cooked burgers and a trusty dog by his side might be the most absurd version of the 45th president.

But given that Trump made a reported $1 million from his first batch of NFTs, which sold out in one day — not to mention the fact that he could use a little cash influx right now, given his recent arrest and other looming indictments — maybe these cards aren’t so foolish after all.

The same, however, cannot be said for the individual who purchases 47 of them in order to have dinner with the disgraced former POTUS:
