Donald Trump‘s mounting legal problems accelerated this week as the former president was ordered to face trial for his third indictment in Washington D.C. on March 4, 2024. That date is exactly one day before Super Tuesday, which could affect Trump’s standing in the Republican primary.

The indictment stems from Trump’s election interference actions up to and including the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol building. Instead of playing it cool that he has the power to prompt his MAGA horde into action, Trump has continued to lean into the looming presence of his ravenous supporters. Such was the case on Tuesday morning when the former president essentially threatened Joe Biden and the Democrats.

Via Truth Social:

These Indictments and lawsuits are all part of my political opponents campaign plan. It is Election Interference, and they are going to use the DOJ/FBI to help them, which is illegal. Crooked Joe pushed this litigation hard to get it done. This is a new low in Presidential Politics. To the Democrats, I say, “be careful what you wish for.”

Trump’s remarks arrive after his potential running mate, Kari Lake, also began stirring the pot for a “fist fight” in the streets. While talking to Steve Bannon, who’s openly called for MAGA Land to literally do a “J6 thing” in Georgia, Lake told Trump supporters to prepare for a fight because “God has put us here for a reason.” Nothing terrifying there.

Lake also told MAGA believers to ignore “all the news you’re reading,” which is one way to keep them ready for a “street fight” for a lost cause.

(Via Donald Trump on Truth Social)
