A disgruntled McDonald’s employee films a video while working in which she is heard trying to quit, but her manager tells her that she can’t.

If you’ve ever thought about working at McDonald’s, perhaps this will be the article that changes your mind. While McDonald’s is one of the most popular fast-food restaurant chains in the world and working there might entitle you to perks like unlimited fries and nuggets, dealing with McHungry customers is easier said than done. You don’t know who or what you’re going to encounter while working under those golden arches.

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mcdonalds location
Source: getty images

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The truth is, working at the fast food joint can be chaotic and messy and it’s not uncommon for a worker to leave and feel cheated when they see how calm and peaceful other jobs are.

Don’t believe us about the madness? Below, watch eight seconds of pure hell. Or rather, a TikTok video filmed inside the McDonald’s kitchen where a massive spill just occurred.

A woman tries to quit McDonald’s during a hectic shift, but her manager says she can’t.

A TikTok user named Jenny (@jennaakiley) just gave us a glimpse of what working at McDonald’s is like.

“Neverending catastrophe at McDonald’s,” she writes in her video. As she starts filming, she is heard saying, “This is why I’m quitting,” while panning her phone to show the war zone that is the McDonald’s kitchen. It’s unclear what happened but there is a massive spill all over the floor, presumably from a container of shake or frappe mix.

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In the background, a woman, who is presumably Jenny’s manager, responds back, “You can’t quit.”

Jenny then claims, “I’m quitting. I’m putting my two weeks in again. I give up.” As she ends her video, Jenny says “I need a ride ASAP.”

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In the comment section, people were reeling over the fact that Jenny’s boss told her that she couldn’t quit. “The ‘you can’t quit’ would’ve caused me to clock out right there,” wrote one user.

Others were shocked that she even offered a two-week notice. “Two weeks? I’m leaving in two minutes,” read another comment.

But other folks totally knew how Jenny was feeling. “The frappe base is my biggest opponent at work for real,” wrote one person, nodding to the mess that was seemingly Jenny’s last straw.

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tiktok comemnts working at mcdonalds
Source: tiktok

“The shake mix bag once broke while I was bringing it up front and that was the day I quit,” commented another.

Meanwhile, another ex–McDonald’s worker wrote: “I walked out of McDonald’s, cried at a bus stop, and went home. One of the lowest moments in my life. Glad that’s over.”

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Conversation also broke out among former employees who had issues when trying to leave their jobs. One user claimed they had to put their two-week notice in twice before quitting.

Another commenter had it worse: “I worked at McDonald’s. I quit seven times. When I finally did quit, my manager kept scheduling me for five months before realizing,” read their comment.

tiktok comments working at mcdonalds
Source: tiktok

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But after all that, it appeared that Jenny didn’t actually quit her job at McDonald’s. “POV: You’re a workaholic that can’t say no,” read the text of a follow-up video where Jenny is seen standing outside McDonald’s.

“I should just change my address at this point since I live here,” she wrote in the caption.

We know this feeling for sure. The struggle is so real when you want to quit but need that income. Hopefully, a better opportunity will come Jenny’s way soon.

Source: https://www.distractify.com/p/woman-shows-horrors-working-mcdonalds-rush