This Person Was Hospitalized For Not Pooping Enough

“When I was a kid, I didn’t like pooping because I never felt like I was clean enough after wiping my butt. Not sure why really, I [didn’t have] OCD or anything, but I didn’t like it; so I decided to stop pooping. Whenever I had to poop, I’d just hold it or go out and play, and eventually, the urge would go away.

Well, I woke up in the middle of the night, one night, and I literally couldn’t breathe. I ran into my parents’ room and woke them up just gasping for air until I passed out. They rushed me to the hospital, and I started being able to breathe again on the ride there. They did some blood work and an X-ray, and saw in the X-ray that my colon was so backed up with poo that the poo was blocking my lungs, especially after lying in my bed sleeping for a few hours, which is why I woke up and couldn’t breathe. My poo-impacted colon was basically pushing against my lungs so I couldn’t inflate them when I tried to breathe in.

They gave me some Ex-Lax, and [I] had to bring in a stool sample for the next couple months, I guess for some sort of testing, but never had a problem after that. I just learned that the poo has to go somewhere so I better get used to pooping. Waking up and not being able to breathe was one of the scariest things I’ve been through.”
