So this is what it’s come to, huh?

American stores like Walmart now need to hire armed guards with assault rifles to protect the assets of the company.

That doesn’t sound good!

A TikTokker named Sergio posted a video on TikTok that showed several police officers armed with assault rifles at the exit of a Walmart store, presumably to deter shoplifters.

Source: TikTok/@officialsergioalvarez

The text overlay in Sergio’s video reads, “Keep stealing at self-checkout if you want to.”

Source: TikTok/@officialsergioalvarez

The song playing over the video is “Bad Boys” by Inner Circle, which you probably recognize from the TV show Cops.

How appropriate…

Source: TikTok/@officialsergioalvarez

Let’s take a look at the video.


#walmart is tired of y’all! 🤣 #peopleofwalmart #selfcheckout #shoplifter

♬ Bad Boys (Theme from Cops) – Inner Circle

Now check out what folks had to say about this.

One person made a very sarcastic comment.

Source: TikTok/@officialsergioalvarez

And somebody thinks this is just how it’s gonna be…

Source: TikTok/@officialsergioalvarez

And one viewer said Walmart needs to hire cashiers to deal with this.

Source: TikTok/@officialsergioalvarez

Yeah, I really wish they’d just bring the cashiers back.
