This AI-Generated Pizza Commercial Is Putting People Off

You’d think it might be impossible to put people off pizza – if there’s a universally-liked food, this might be it – but apparently, AI thinks it’s up to the task.

At least, that’s what it seems like based on this AI-generated commercial.

Screen Shot 2023 07 30 at 12.49.00 PM This AI Generated Pizza Commercial Is Putting People Off

Image Credit: Twitter

The advertisement is for a made-up pizza joint called “Pepperoni Hug Spot,” and the first thing that will make you turn up your nose is the lifeless robot voice doing the narration.

“Are you ready for best pizza of life? Bring friends down to Pepperoni Hug Spot. Like family, but with more cheese.”

Screen Shot 2023 07 30 at 12.50.19 PM This AI Generated Pizza Commercial Is Putting People Off

Image Credit: Twitter

Are we comparing enjoying pizza to…eating our family?


The message, voice, and closeup shots of people eating pizza is all super disturbing – the AI struggled with making mouths and faces look believable – and the result turns eating pizza into some kind of nightmare/horror show.

Screen Shot 2023 07 30 at 12.49.13 PM This AI Generated Pizza Commercial Is Putting People Off

Image Credit: Twitter

It was created by Runway Gen-2 and will be available to the public and will allow users to turn text into video clips.

I’m thinking maybe they should wait until Gen-3 or Gen-4 before offering it to the public, based on that pizza commercial.

Check it out for yourselves, though!

Even Pizza Later, the company behind the ad, admitted as much on Twitter.

“Definitely wasted three hours of my life making this today.”

Consider yourselves warned.
