The last two episodes of the Usman serial are very impressive The complete plan of the attack on the Mongols’ stronghold, the use of VFX, the work of Make-up Fight Blast director Mehmet Bozdak and his team is commendable. The episode that follows the trailer will be even more surprising 💥

I think that in the upcoming episode, the rest of the tribal chiefs will support Usman because they understand Usman’s bravery and intelligence The tribal chief does not accept anyone as his master for no reason now, because he has seen in Usman all the qualities that a master should have, it is certain that he will support Usman.Oktem Beam’s gratuitous bravado and shouting throughout the fight prove that Oktem Beam will soon become a martyr. 😅

You also know that the tribe that has supported Osman and Ertugrul until now, all the chiefs and families die, only one girl survives, who marries a close soldier of Osman and Ertugrul. 😏

He takes possession of the tribe, from Ertugrul to Usman, the tribe that supported him is ruined because all the people are dead, even the name and sign is erased.💯🙄

I still don’t understand why this happens. This is also a theory that only Newton can solve

Zain Alabdeen 🖋️❤️