‘I agree 100% with her’: Woman shares if she has to go up to counter to order, she won’t tip. Here’s why

A New York City woman asked to give her opinion about tipping was emphatic: If she’s going up to a counter to place an order, she’s not tipping, regardless of what she’s buying. The hot take came from TV writer Robby Hoffman via the Subway Takes (@subwaytakes) TikTok account. In that series, host Kareem Rahma …

‘They were gonna send me to collections for mac and cheese’: Woman warns against Chick-fil-A catering after they ‘gaslit’ her over order

One customer is warning against Chick-fil-A catering after a poor experience with her order. It wasn’t catering for a simple work event or birthday party, she was ordering for her wedding. She says she decided on serving Chick-fil-A macaroni and cheese alongside Raising Cane’s chicken, toast, and fries to cater her wedding to save money. …

‘Man at the front desk is sus’: Woman warns against hotels after finding hidden message on bathroom mirror

In a viral video, a woman warned against hotels after sharing her frightening stay while on a work trip. What was actually going on is even creepier. “Here’s the story of the scariest thing that has ever happened to me and a lesson on why you need to take precautions when staying in a hotel, …

‘Is it illegal to order off the kids’ menu?’: Woman orders a kids’ meal through room service. Hotel worker questions where the kid is

Many restaurants don’t allow customers over 12 years old to order off the kids’ menu. But adults who want to order off the children’s menu—either to save money or because they aren’t too hungry or for portion control reasons—often circumvent these rules by ordering their meal to-go. One would think an adult could successfully order …

Gym Bro Flirts With Woman During Her Workout And Won’t Take No For An Answer, So She Scares Him Off By Passing Some Horrifically Smelly Gas

Some guys just can’t take a hint that a girl isn’t interested. They could convince themselves that a brick wall wanted to go on a date with them. Polite disinterest, trying to end the conversation, even flat out refusal doesn’t work for these jerks. And once all the classic rejection techniques have been exhausted, we …

‘They left us a bottle of Prosecco’: Woman shares ‘script’ for getting free hotel snacks

Hotel snacks can be expensive, so a TikToker’s mother spilled the tea about how she gets hotel snacks for free while traveling.  TikTok user Julia (@thejuliabaird) said her mother always arranges something special for her while she’s traveling through the hotels she stays at. For example, when traveling to Vancouver, Canada, for work, Julia’s mother …

‘Time to find new ones’: Woman overhears boys complaining that their girlfriends are ‘ugly’ on spring break, tries to expose them

How would you feel if you heard your girlfriend or boyfriend confess to their friends that you thought they were unattractive? TikTok user Anna Woodring (@annacwoodring) found herself as an accidental fly-on-the-wall of a conversation between a group of guys who appeared to be on vacation in the Seaside, Panama City Beach area during Spring …

‘I would’ve returned it and ordered both separately’: Woman says restaurant upcharged her for Ginger Ale and pineapple juice, tried to pass it off as ‘mocktail’

A woman says a restaurant tried to upcharge her for a ginger ale and pineapple drink, and when she complained, they tried to pass it off as a mocktail.  TikTok user Bobbi Ponder (@bobbeyonce_) related what happened in a post that received over 47,000 views as of Monday. The TikToker launches right into her explanation.  …

‘The lack of self control is actually astonishing’: Woman gets caught vaping on plane, says she didn’t mean to

Vaping has become an incredibly common way for those who crave nicotine to get their fix. In fact, according to a 2021 study published by the CDC, “4.5% of adults aged 18 and over were current electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) users, with e-cigarette use highest among adults aged 18–24 (11.0%).” However, the prevalence of vaping has …

‘I’m interviewing you’: Woman says job interviewer shamed her for asking questions

Most hiring managers would find an inquisitive candidate a delight. Whether it’s a question about company policies or asking for clarification on something, it shows that an applicant is determined to provide the best answers possible because they are serious about the role they’ve come in for. This wasn’t the case for one TikToker, who …

Platypus Venom Is Worse Than Childbirth Says Woman Who Tried To Help A Wounded Animal

There are a lot of strange animals and insects on this planet of ours, but for my money, the platypus and its classification-defying specifics has got to be up there. To wit: they can offload venom through a “stinger” on their back legs. Good samaritan Jenny Forward found this out the hard way after attempting …