Violinist performs a duet with her washing machine and it's actually a banger

One might expect to hear Franz Schubert’s “Die Forelle,” more widely known as “The Trout,” at the philharmonic orchestra. However, Boglarka Gyorgy noticed her washing machine playing the catchy classical tune. Apparently, this is a feature for a particular Samsung line of washing machines. Being a professional musician herself, she couldn’t resist the urge to …

TikTok Has People Washing Their Faces With ‘Head & Shoulders’ And Dermatologists Have Thoughts

Uproxx TikTok is a weird place full of bad ideas, but the app didn’t get massively popular by solely feeding people content about mysterious sauces or by trying to convince people to cook chicken in NyQuil, the platform is also full of well-intentioned people who present functional hacks that can improve your life and save …

What Does Washing Your Pokémon Do in ‘Scarlet’ and ‘Violet’?

To be quite frank, giving your Pokémon a bath doesn’t really do much for them in Scarlet and Violet. Like many of the other features implemented during picnics with your Pokémon, the main benefit of washing them is increasing your friendship level. While this won’t do anything for a lot of the Pokémon in your …